The Conservation District administers the State Conservation Commission's Pennsylvania Nutrient management Law (Act 38) through a delegated agreement. The district’s primary responsibility is the technical review and approval of nutrient management plans that are prepared and submitted by commercial or individual planners for farms that are considered Concentrated Animal Operations (CAOs). A concentrated animal operation is a farm with more than two animal equivalent units per acre of land suitable for manure application, with an animal equivalent unit defined as 1,000 pounds of animal weight. In addition, farms that are not legally required to comply with Act 38 may have a nutrient management plan developed and reviewed by the Conservation District voluntarily. Nutrient management planning is done with nitrogen and phosphorus as the nutrients of concern. Other features of the program include odor emission regulations for certain size livestock operations and a certification program for commercial manure haulers.
If, for any reason, you have questions about this program, please contact us.