The Mifflin County Conservation District's Right To Kow and Public Comment policies are listed below. If you should have questions, please contact us.
The Mifflin County Conservation District recognizes its obligations to accept responsible input from the public at its regularly scheduled monthly meetings, and any other meetings subject to the provisions of the Sunshine Act. The District respects and encourages comments from the public on conservation issues when presented in an orderly, concise, and constructive manner. The following policy shall apply to all those District meetings where public participation is allowed, as per the Sunshine Act.
Advance verbal, written, or electronic request to the district manager, or other district staff, is preferred and will be accepted prior to the meeting. The request should include the topic, length of time requested, and any other pertinent details. The district chairman reserves the right to place limits on the time requested if it jeopardizes time devoted to other meeting agenda items.
In the absence of advance requests, the district chairman will ask at each meeting if any members of the public wish to address the board of directors, prior to any discussions or official actions by the board. If any individual or group of individuals responds, the following rules will apply:
1. Individuals are limited to 5 minutes to give their presentation.
2. Groups of individuals shall appoint a spokesperson to present their comments. That person is limited to 15 minutes to make the group’s presentation.
3. The chairman reserves the right to change these limits, according to allowable time.
Members of the media are also welcome to attend District meetings for the purpose of public documentation of proceedings. The chairman can determine seating arrangements of media representatives and placement of electronic recording devices to facilitate proceedings.
Inappropriate behavior such as outbursts, disorderly, disrespectful, or boisterous conduct will not be tolerated during District meetings. The chairman may issue one warning to the individual(s) responsible for such behavior. Any additional incidents by the individual(s) during the meeting may result in the chairman dismissing the responsible person(s) from the premises.
* Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Mifflin County Conservation District, 2/16/99
This policy establishes the District’s procedures for meeting its obligations under the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law, which was revised in 2008. It applies to all requests for “public records.” This document establishes the framework within which the district will exercise its administrative discretion in the future. The district recognizes the value of making information available to the public, and is committed to continually improving public access to public information and fostering public participation in the decision-making process.